Carrier agnostic
If you ship it, we support it.
The world doesn’t stop with UPS and FedEx. More and more shippers rely on USPS, DHL, and regional carriers. That’s why we support more carrier integrations than anyone else in the industry. Don’t see your carrier listed? Custom integrations are available for enterprise clients.
Try free for 7 days
Galleon supports carriers from here to anywhere
And we’re adding more.

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Use of these logos does not imply any affiliation with or endorsement by them.

Useful alone
Better together.
Our tools play nicely together. Get answers faster when everything you need is in one place.
Get the 10,000 foot view. Seeing your data visualized lets you zero in quickly on areas that need attention.
Dive deep. Pull normalized cross-carrier data in analysis-ready formats that your local Excel jockey will love.
Put the rest on autopilot. When you’re not looking for trouble in your shipping data, Galleon’s AI-powered audit does it for you.
Galleon serves elite shippers across the country
Here’s what they have to say.
“Galleon brings transparency to a space that's very the product.”
Richard Greiner
“Galleon transforms unusable data into refined insight, imperative for shaping the user experience.”
Julia Babina
Director of Operations
“The team really took the time to understand my business. They’re responsive, supportive, and smart.”
Charles Zhong